Tim's Three - A Sax Quartet for Three Special Babies!

You ever owe a friend a favor? That’s been me for about 4 years. I’ve been telling my friend Stacey McCaffery that I would compose a piece for her saxophone quartet Tour de Four for a long time. They had a concert earlier this year and asked me to compose something. Searching for inspiration, I thought of another friend of mine, Tim Hayward, who’s wife Lisa had recently given birth to triplets!

Delilah, Lola, and Stella Hayward were born two to four months in the ICU unit earlier this year. There were times where their parents were afraid, happy, sad, joyful, and most often, exhausted. We’re all happy to say that these precious newborns are now home safe with their entire lives in front of them. I wrote this piece to convey some of the moods I imagined that Tim and Lisa were going through as they went through this incredible experience.

As the piece moves through the various moods, I specifically had a few concepts in mind. Unclear rhythms, shapes and colors to describe the incredible unknowing-ness of having a child. What will he or she be like? Will they be OK? Then - they’re born - it’s quiet for a while. Soon things pick up, and they’re running around the house, bopping around! There’s ups and downs as they go through this amazing journey. And there’s an alto saxophone solo for every parent who’s ever been frustrated.

This piece was commissioned by the Tour de Four Saxophone Quartet in February 2018. It was recorded live by Stacey McCaffery (soprano saxophone), Tim Egan (alto saxophone), Daniel Pasquale (tenor saxophone), and Huy Ho (baritone saxophone). Thank you Stacey for encouraging me to write this piece and thank you to the Tour de Four Saxophone Quartet for performing it!